viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013



Crocodiles don´t brush their teeth

But I do!,  But we do!

Elephants don´t blow their noses

But I do!,  But we do!

Lions don´t brush their hair

But I do!, But we do!

Pigs don´t wash their faces

But I do!, but we do!

Cats don´t say please and thank you

But I do!, but we do!

·        OBJETIVOS

- Diferenciar el comportamiento humano y animal
- Aprender el comportamiento humano a través de acciones observables
- Aprender el vocabulario relacionado con hábitos de higiene personal
-  Localizar las partes del cuerpo


- ¿Dónde? En el rincón de los cuentos  
- ¿Cuándo? Después de la asamblea.

·        EDAD

        A partir de 3 años

1ª Los niños se sentarán en las colchonetas formando un círculo y la profesora se pondrá enfrente de ellos.

  "Children, sit in front of my!, please"
 Hello children, how are you?”

 "Today is…….. so as every….. I have to tell you a story in English, silent please!"

2º) Lee el cuento

3º) La profesora empezará con la actividad, la profesora va a necesitar a 5 niños para hacer la actividad.

 “Nombre de niño ”:Crocodiles don´t brush their teeth
but you do!

Now you have to brush your teeth! Para esta acción La profesora le dará el cepillo  de dientes y tiene que simular que se lava los dientes.

Nombre de niño ”: Elephants don´t blow their noses
but you do!
Now you have to blow your nose! Para está  acción La profesora le dará un pañuelo y el niño  tiene que hacer como si se sonara la nariz.

“Nombre de niño “Lions don´t brush their hair”
But you do!
Now you have to brush your hair! Para está  acción La profesora le dará un peine y el niño  tiene que hacer como si se peinara.

“Nombre del niño” Pigs don´t wash their faces
But you do!
Now you have to wash your face! Para está  acción La profesora le dará un un cacito con agua y   tiene que hacer como si se lavase la cara.

“Nombre del niño “Cats don´t say please and thank you
But you do!
La profesora le dará un caramelo para que el niño le diga “Gracias”

   Aquí he pensado en dar un caramelo al niño pero antes decirle; “Which is the magic word”? Para que  el niño  diga: “Thank you”

Al acabar  la profesora dice: "We have finished!"


- Para los pequeños de 1-2 años: La profesora primero les enseñara las  imágenes de cada acción, la profesora lo hace y pedirá que todos juntos repitan la acción a la vez 

- Lavarse la cara
- Peinarse
- Lavarse los dientes
- Decir gracias y por favor
- Sonarse la nariz

- En vez de hacerlo en el propio aula lo podrán realizar dicha actividad en el cuarto de baño y estas acciones se podrán repetir a lo largo del día.


Objetos de la vida cotidiana para hacerlo con los mayores: cepillo de dientes, peine, pañuelo, agua…..

Imágenes para hacerlo con los más pequeños: cartulina, rotuladores y dibujo

miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2013


 “The song house”

Does your house have a roof?
Does your house have walls?
Does your house have windows?
Does it have a door?

Is the roof
And the walls
Here are the windows
And here is the door

Is your house very big?
Is your house very small?
Is your house very short?
Or is it very tall?

This is big
This is small
This is short

And this is tall



·       - Reconocer las partes de la casa
·      - Mover el cuerpo a través de la mímica
·      - Diferenciar distintas dimensiones y tamaño
·      - Visualizar en laminas el diferente vocabulario

·      - Aprender vocabulario en ingles a través de la canción


¿Cuándo? En el aula, cantaríamos la canción después de a ver realizado el juego para 
recordar el vocabulario.

¿ Dónde? En la Asamblea

Colocaremos en la clase varias láminas de distintas imágenes de las partes 
dela casa como el tejado, ventanas, casas grandes, pequeñas altas, bajas…
Preguntaremos: Where is the … (window)? (por ejemplo)

Los niños tendrán que ir por la clase buscando todas las láminas en las 
que haya en este caso ventanas.


- Audio (canción)
- Rotuladores
- Dibujos de las partes de la casa
- Tijeras
- Pegamento
- Celo
- Pinturas de colores
- Cartulinas



La búsqueda de las partes de la casa”

Los niños tendrán que distinguir y buscar las partes de la casa que previamente hayamos visto en clase. Mediante este juego los niños recuerdan las partes de la casa y seguidamente cantaríamos la canción.

El vocabulario en el que nos centramos es:

- Windows
- Door
- Walls
- Roof
- Tall
- Big

martes, 5 de noviembre de 2013



H-A- double L-O” song for kids.

H-A-LL-O-W-EE-N (X2)
Spells Halloween (X2)

Halloween means ghosts and goblins
Skeletons, monsters and howling cats
Spooky masks and jack-o-lanterns
Witches and devils and big black bats.

H-A-LL-O-W-EE-N (X2)
Spells Halloween (X2)

Halloween means ringing doorbells
Scaring the people who open the door
Trick-or-treat gets you candy and apples
then go to the next HOUSE and get some more

H-A-LL-O-W-EE-N (X2)

Spells Halloween (X2)




- ToLearn the vocabulary related to Halloween.
-  Have fun.
 -To Learn what the translation.
- ToLearn typical objects.


In the Assembly and throughout the morning.

In the Assembly, we will talk about this day, “Halloween”.
We will play the song to hear it and then we will sing it all together watching the video.After
singing, we will pain the characters that are in the song. Finally we will also give out


Song, masks, drawings, paintings, pumpkin, candy.




To sing the song

domingo, 3 de noviembre de 2013



santa Claus is coming to town

You better watch out

You better not cry

Better not pout

I'm telling you why

Santa Claus is coming to town

He'smaking a list

And check in gittwice

GonnafindoutWho'snaughty and nice

Santa Claus iscomingtotown

He sees you when you're sleeping

He knows when you're awake

He knows if you've been bad or good

So be good forgoodness sake!

Oh! You better watch out!

You better not cry

Better not pout, I'm telling you why

Santa Claus is coming to town




-Trabajar el vocabulario de navidad con la canción.

-Aprender y asociar la navidad con papa Noel.


Se podrá hacer después de la siesta o antes de ir al patio después de la asamblea en la que habremos puesto la canción.


Sentados en la alfombra de la asamblea nosotras las educadoras mientras escuchan
 la canción en el CD  con la pronunciación original nosotras iremos haciendo gestos como es mejor no llorar, santa Claus viene a la ciudad, ha hecho una lista, etc.


el CD, la canción y  la silueta de papa Noel hecha por nosotras para que asocien la canción con papa Noel y podamos introducir la actividad.


2-3 años

la educadora se sentara con ellos para tenerles cerca y reforzar. También pueden ser renos, duendes, elfos ,etc. los que sean coloreados.


Actividad 1: Pinta a papa Noel.

-Trabajar con el tacto del algodón y la pintura.
-Aprender y asociar el vocabulario nuevo de la navidad con las actividades propuestas.
Donde y cuando: Se podrá hacer después de la siesta o antes de ir al patio después de la asamblea en la que habremos puesto la canción.
Edad: 2-3 años.

Procedimiento:Sentado cada niño en su sitio, les damos una silueta de papa Noel en blanco y negro, y pintaremos a los niños las manos con una pintura de dedos roja, para que los niños dejen la huella de su mano en el gorro. A continuación nosotras les daremos una capa de pegamento para quépeguen el algodón que nosotras les damos y lo peguen en la barba.

Materiales: algodón, pintura para manos, toallitas para luego quitarlo, pegamento y la silueta de papa Noel.

Variación: la educadora se sentara con ellos para tenerles cerca y reforzar. También pueden ser renos , duendes, elfos ,etc. los que sean coloreados.

Santa Claus descends the chimney — Imagen vectorial #4341702

Actividad 2: Cancion de papa Noel :``Santa super simple song´´.



“Let´s go to the zoo”

Let's go to the zoo, zoo, zoo

Me and you to the zoo

Let's go to the zoo, zoo, zoo
Let's go to the zoo

Alligator, alligator
Eat, eat, eat

Rabbit, Rabbit

Hop, hop, hop

Penguin, penguin
Walk, walk, walk

Elephant, elephant
Stomp, stomp, stomp

Monkey, monkey
Scratch, scratch, scratch

Tiger, tiger



The children learn the names of the animals in english, the correct pronunciation, they get sing a song, work with them the concentration and the memory. Work with the children the games in Group. 


After the assembly, in the middle of the class because this activity is good for the
children to have activity early in the morning.


1) The teacher says the animal´s names while she shows the mask with the faces of the
animals and she puts the mask on her face.

2) The teacher sings the song one time and then she sings it again with the children
And she puts the mask on her face for the children identify the name of the animal with
the face.

3) The game. The teacher has a lucky rulet with the names of the player and one dice with 
the animals faces. (Alligátor, Rabbit, Penguin, Elephant, Monkey and Tiger ). The teacher 
explain the children that they have to sit down in a circle. Then the teacher starts to play the 
game in the middle of the circle. She rolls the dice and the face that is on the top of the dice is 
the name of the animal the children have to learn and then she chooses the mask with this 
animal face and put it on her face. Then the teacher turns the lucky rulet to choose the next 
player and goes on.


- A dice with 6 animal´s faces and name
-  6 mask whith animal´s faces
-  A lucky ruleta with the name of the children    

2 - 6 

The same game but each month we change the animals ( more animals from the zoo, from the farm, from the sea, from the jungle... And we play too learning the colours because each face in the dice have a diferent colour. Other variation is doing the movement of the animals when the teacher ask “What does tiger do?”.

viernes, 1 de noviembre de 2013


Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am, how do you do?
Mommy finger, mommy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am, how do you do?
Brother finger, brother finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am, how do you do?
Sister finger, sister finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am, how do you do?
Baby finger, baby finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am, how do you do?
Game movements



   -  To work Finger psychomotricity
  -  To learn the family members
  - To represent the family members (symbolic image)
  - To learn to work in groups

  - To coordinate the dance in groups


The workshop can be made before the break or after lunch, because it's a
relaxing activity that doesn´t require much concentration. The workshop
is indicated for children over 3 years, and in spite of that, the teacher has
to help them to stick the face and clothes. The teacher can also draw the
face and body of the finger family and the kids only have to colour the
drawing with the colours indicated by the teacher. With this option, we
can reforce another aknowledgement about the colours, too. For example:
“the daddy finger has to be coloured with a blue pen, the mommy´s finger
has to be coloured with the green pen...” and so on.
The song can be taught and sung in the Assembly or after the Assembly,
but it's important to get the attention of the children, that they are sitting
down in half a circle.


Each member of the family is represented by a finger.
The first time, the teacher sings the song to teach the vocabulary to the
kids. This variation can be made for 1-2 aged children.
To help to learn the vocabulary, in a previous lesson, the teacher has
explained the children who the members of a family are with flash cards
and other pictures, and with the photos of the children with their own
At the time the teacher is singing the song “Finger family”, she shows the
named finger with a finger puppet that represents the faces of the different
After she has sung the first time, the children can imitate the teacher and

repeat the lyrics as well as the gestures.


5 finger puppets representing each member of the family. With children
older than 3, they can previously make a workshop to make some finger
puppets with cards and cryons. In groups, each of them will create one

member of the family.
     2 Years     
object (tie for daddy, a handbag for mummy, a cap for the brother, a

  For older children, 3-5 aged, we can make it more difficult.
These kids know who the family members are, so the first time the teacher
sings the song around the formed Assembly (everyone is sitting down), she
shows the named finger and repeats the song twice, and after the children
have learned the song, the teacher makes 5 groups.
Each group will represent a family member. When the song says “daddy”,
“Mommy”, “brother” and so on, each group has to stand up and dance
moving their entire body, until the next family member is named and
The last time the song is sung, everybody is singing, but when the song
names “daddy”, mommy”, “brother” and so on, the teacher gives anyone an
hairband for the sister, and a rattle for the baby). At the time the child is
receiving the object, he/she has to stand up and dance imitating a daddy,
mommy, brother and so on, depending on the case.
The finger family nursery rhyme